World of Excesses: Needful Luxury


The symptoms of a culture of excess that has been turning everything into commonness by encouraging consumer habits

by Rony Rodrigues translated by Carolina Walliter

Look around and try to count how many stimuli compete for your attention as you start reading this article. How many “to-dos” prevent you to focus on this text on your screen? What if the cellphone rings? How many posts are eargerly waiting for your “like” only today?

We live in a world of excesses and our education is getting increasingly consumption-driven. I notice children that, before taking their first steps, already own fully decorated bedrooms, a wardrobe designed for all kinds of occasion, and such a busy agenda that the visit of a close relative can only be scheduled within three months. They grow up believing it is normal to have everything and become frustrated adults.

Every day we get drowned by advertising impact, product variants, offers, called as “must haves”, and publishings that resemble retail booklets occasionally inviting us to own and accumulate. And this culture of excess turned everything into commonness.

Luxury can be everything that is not ordinary, but it must also show signs of energy expenditure, exclusivity and needlessness.

Consuming something deemed luxurious many times corresponds to the desire for inclusion or affirmation of identity, which are basic needs, therefore, no longer a luxury. Somebody’s daily life can be the biggest extravagance for other people, a fact that confirms we are talking about a relative concept.

It is funny that people today say that time is the new luxury. As much as we get lost trying to manage it, time is an abundant resource available to everybody (in other words, far from exclusive); and more than necessary, it is the element that defines our human condition.

I also notice a misunderstanding regarding premium products. Quality and high prices are not enough to luxury-label an item. Massification and large-scale production make me doubt the level of uniqueness of certain acquisitions. Something tells me that Louis Vuitton has more stores spread accross the world than a fast fashion business like Topshop.

It is hard to put a price tag on a masterpiece as well as on products that reach the status of artwork. In this context, it is acceptable that a woman decides to own a very expensive bag. Now, if she decides she needs 100 bags, regardless of the price, this is indeed an exaggeration.


The gluttonous habits and the great feasts of the Middle Ages, in which one victorious soldier would be served an amount of food that could feed 20 people, were well-known codes of luxury. Gastronomy is getting rid of excess since the French Revolution, reinforced by the 70’s healthy and wellness trend.

In a few years, the image of an unsecure woman standing in front of a shoe-packed closet will look as misplaced as that of the gluttons of Ancient Greece, who ate lying down to pass out as soon as they got satisfied.

The next generation of luxury consumers already follows this new consciousness. Monarchist and heritage codes no longer dialogue with these young people, who exchanged karats for gigabytes and seek brands that invite them to look to the future rather than symbols that remain rooted in their past greatness.

At a time when any product can be copied simultaneously with its release, luxury means understanding the spirit of time and providing an experience in line with the new codes. A harmonious combination that causes the feeling that your presence living right here, right now, is what makes the difference.

Luxury doesn’t go with anxiety; it is a concept that requires space, time and relevance. You go out to dinner at a restaurant where the service is smart, the food is delicious and commensurate with your hunger; your favorite drink is waiting for you in a glass, and the lighting favors you. Luxury is accuracy. It is more about the experience than the materialness.

It is just like that amazing trip that exceeds all our expectations, broadens horizons while leaving a true legacy in our memory. It is an object that best represents your world view. It is the architecture of a house designed for you, enduring and respectful to your history and remarkable memories, giving hints of your future dreams. Exclusivity comes from your protagonism. It’s yours exclusively. And remember: all without the need to share on social networks.

Article originally published in Wish magazine

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